Secondary Plan Update
Due to rapid growth and recent changes to municipal and regional legislation, the City has initiated an update to the existing VMC Secondary Plan.
Vaughan is building a world-class skyline in record time, without compromising our vision for an urban, transit-oriented, green, and people-focused downtown.
The City of Vaughan has prepared these studies and plans to provide a framework for growth, implementation and activation of the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre.
Due to rapid growth and recent changes to municipal and regional legislation, the City has initiated an update to the existing VMC Secondary Plan.
Will consider potential alignments and physical forms for Black Creek within the study area and establish a plan for renewal.
Exploration of opportunities to underground the hydro distribution lines and utilities along Highway 7 and Jane Street in the VMC.
Will help the City manage parking within the downtown core.
A plan to guide the timely development of parks and open spaces in the VMC and create a world class public realm.
The VMC Transportation Master Plan Update will confirm transportation needs, supportive policies and a phasing strategy to 2041.
The study identified a range of alternative solutions to reduce flooding and flood damages, improve water quality and limit stream bank erosion in Black Creek.
The Secondary Plan establishes the context, planning framework and policies that will guide development of the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) over the next 20-25 years.
Addresses the ongoing flooding, water quality and channel erosion issues identified within the study area.
Vaughan office space is in high demand, so the City of Vaughan is expanding the supply by offering incentives for large office developments.
This framework establishes an integrated vision for populating the new downtown with a captivating network of public art and cultural resources.
Edgeley Pond and Park will become the heart of the community and a signature amenity for the new downtown.
Environmental Assessment Study for the Portage Parkway Widening and Extension to Creditstone Road.
The City-Wide Public Art Program guides the development and/or acquisition of public art and cultural products to enhance the City’s image and identity.
Identifies and evaluates alternatives for the provision of water, wastewater, and stormwater servicing.
This Reconnaissance and Strategic Assessment establishes a baseline of consensus and direction for the VMC.
This Plan outlines a comprehensive landscape framework and design guidelines for the implementation of the public realm in the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC).
The Guidelines serve as the ‘go-to manual’ for urban design issues used by applicants and their designers, as well as City staff.
This Plan is a study that will assist the City, developers and design consultants to properly plan for utility servicing.